By submitting the application you agree to the below statements:
• If selected for employment by Mile High Ambulance, LLC, we will perform upon hire, and at least once annually thereafter, a driving record check in Colorado and any other state necessary. Mile High Ambulance, LLC will obtain copies of any reports and may condition employment on the information contained in such reports. Do you consent to such checks
• If selected for employment by Mile High Ambulance, LLC, we will perform a criminal history background check. Mile High Ambulance, LLC will obtain copies of any reports and may condition employment on the information contained in such reports. Do you consent to such checks?
Equal Employment Opportunity
Mile High Ambulance, LLC is committed to recruiting, hiring, developing, compensation and promoting the best-qualified individuals for positions at all levels within our company. We will maintain our unequivocal commitment and support of equal employment opportunity for all individuals free from discrimination based on gender, race color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, pregnancy, marital status, or any other prohibited biases in accordance with all applicable federal, state or local laws.
Mile High Ambulance, LLC will take action to ensure that all employment practices such as advertising, recruitment, hiring, promoting, Mile High Ambulance, LLC sponsored training and educational assistance, transfer, layoff, return from layoff, termination, compensation and benefits, and social and recreational programs are free from discrimination or harassment with regard to class categories protected by Equal Employment Opportunity law, directives, and regulations of federal, state, and local governing bodies. Every Manager and Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the spirit and intent of our collective goals, such as Equal Employment Opportunity policies, are achieved. Team employees share the responsibility of treating co-workers and all other individuals with dignity and respect so that we may all achieve these very important goals.
This statement simply reaffirms our dedication to the principles of Equal Employment Opportunity as well as the expectation that all employees will lend their full support to furthering our mutual success through implementation of these principles.
Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Policy
Employees of Mile High Ambulance, LLC have a mutual obligation to ensure a safe and healthy work environment to ensure that the work place is free of employees whose job performance may be impaired by the use of drugs and/or alcohol. Mile High Ambulance, LLC has zero drug tolerance policy. No employee may use, possess, distribute, sell, or be under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco products while on duty, operation Mile High Ambulance, LLC equipment, on Mile High Ambulance, LLC Property, and/or while conducting business related activities off premises. The legal use of prescribed drugs is permitted on the job only if it does not impair an employee's ability to perform the essential functions of the job effectively and in a safe manner that does not endanger the individuals or patients in the workplace. Alcohol and drug testing will be conducted for "cause" including but not limited to any vehicle accident involving Mile High Ambulance, LLC vehicle, any complaint or report of inappropriate actions, or at any other time when there is a reasonable suspected use of alcohol or drugs by an employee. However, Mile High Ambulance, LLC reserves the right to conduct alcohol and drug testing for pre-employment screening and randomly as a condition for continued employment. Violations of this policy may lead to corrective action up to and including immediate termination of employment. Such violations may also have legal consequences for that individual employee.
Background Investigations
Mile High Ambulance, LLC performs background checks on its employees. These background checks may include driver history checks required by Mile High Ambulance, LLC. All prospective employees must pass criminal background investigations, driver history checks, and pre-employment reference checks before official employee placement. In addition, the employee must understand that Mile High Ambulance, LLC reserves the right to conduct annual and/or periodic background investigations at any time, with or without notice, and continued employment is contingent upon successfully pass these annual.periodic background checks may result in corrective action up to and including termination. All of the aforementioned reports are the property of Mile High Ambulance, LLC, treated as confidential information, and filed in the employee's personnel file.
Application Falsification/Omission
False or misleading information on documentation or an omission on MHA employment application or supplemental application forms may result in rejection of employment or transfer consideration, or termination, if already employed, and may result in being ineligible for employment with MHA for a minimum of two years. If the applicant purposely omits or falsifies dates it will result in an automatic disqualification from the hiring process. An applicants accidental omission or inaccurate dates on an application will be at discretion of the hiring manager.
Background and Reference Check Authorization Form
I have applied for employment/membership with Mile High Ambulance, LLC, or I am a vendor, contractor or other person or entity seeking to enter into a business relationship with Mile High Ambulance, LLC. AS part of the Mile High Ambulance, LLC application or screening process, I understand the Mile High Ambulance, LLC will conduct a background and reference check, which will include a review of public records, my criminal history, and inquiries of my former employers, and organizations to which I belong, and the references which I have provided regarding my qualification for employment or membership. If I am applying for a position involving the organization's finances, billing or other related activities then I also expressly agree to permit a check of my credit history. I hereby authorize Mile High Ambulance, LLC to conduct this background and reference check as part of my application or contracting process. Further, on behalf of myself and my heirs, assignees, and personal representatives, I hereby release and forever discharge Mile High Ambulance, LLC, and its employees, agents and contractors, from any and all cause of action, liability, claim, loss, cost or expense, and promise not to sue on any such claim against any such person or organization, arising directly or indirectly from or attributable in any legal way to this background check. I also hereby release and forever discharge any individual, agency or organization providing any information about me to Mile High Ambulance, LLC, from any and all cause of action, liability, claim, loss, cost or expense whatsoever related to the furnishing of such information.
By applying you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the policies regarding the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Laws.
Signed via electronic by submitting from your personal account via email. Applicant understands an additional application may be required at a later time.